Monday, August 2, 2010

absent - gearing up for nationals

so i have been absent in my postings because Sheridan is away at camp. It has been a wild summer.
After sheridan won coed, she then finished up at the Improv Playhouse Camp production of Grease where she played Rizzo, in a jr. high version of the production. Then she went away to her overnight camp for 3 weeks, with a little interruption of me picking her up to take her to an American Girl Doll shoot and then back to camp again. She finishes camp this week and then back to gearing up for pageants.

The things we are working on now is fundraising to go to nationals for American Coed. There is so much involved, so much to do. We have to fundraise and sell two full ad pages at $600 each. I have sold one page and 1/4 of the 2nd page.
We are selling glowsticks to cover the costs of the hotel and gain sponsors and gain donations to turnaround and sell to pay for the costs of the optionals.

We need to work to cover costs for food/rental car and gas. We arent even working on the cost of any new clothing. There are two dance outfits to buy too though.
Lots to work for.

We have a bake sale at a post office, selling glowsticks and light up fans. We will see if we can come up with more ideas. We are also selling candy bars at my job to raise money.

This is a lot of work. Sheridan needs to come up with some events too and is also busy in her other systems doing events too. All in all, it is august 2 and there is so much yet to do. UGH!!
come check out our updates later!

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