There is so much to catch up on.
We had a great time at the American Coed national pageant in Orlando Florida this past week. It will take me time to post all the information.
to start when we gotto the Milwaukee airport I unloaded the car and realized I forgot to pack the most important bag, the one with the competition clothing.
A few tips, work off a list. That helped, i didnt forget anything on the list in the bags.
Make sure to take ALL the bags and keep them togther. The garment bag piece of luggage with all the competition outfits was in another room and I didnt bring it downstairs into the living room with all the other luggage - whoops, big mistake.
We arrived at airport at 8 am,plenty of time for teh 930 Southwest flight, but then forgot the bag so had to go back home to get the most important bag. Hmmm what to do, leave Sam, our friend, hair stylist and coach at the airport with my 10 year old daughter, let them go on the flight and me come back later with the bag and go on standby? Pay $1200 for a new ticket for each of us, ONE WAY, hmmm. We called Southwest, said we overslept and missed the flight. They found us a new flight leaving at 620pm arriving at 10 in FL and we actually got a credit of $51, not bad.
We did end up having to spend the day in cold IL instead of sunny, warm FL but we relaxed, ate and caught a movie. I made sure to put that last bag in the car too.
It all worked out. See the picture of the girls on the plane.