Sunday, November 20, 2011

Dreamgirls IL workshop

Today we went to the IL dreamgirls worshop at the marriott in Schaumburg.
we learned about the pageant, what it will cost and what events you need to enter to be eligible to win certain crowns. we also met the new IL director Marleena, she is also director of Ohio and IN.

they dont double crown.

for the basic fee $350 you can be a eligible for the division title. Plus you have to pay ad page fee of $100.

then you can pay for 3 optionals and then you are up for 3 supreme titles plus an overall high point title. the supremes with optional are $75 each. they are photogenic, fashion modeling and casual wear modeling.

then there are is one other optional, talent @ $75and then two other optional supreme titles, supreme beauty and supreme spokesmodel which are $50 each.

by attending the workshop today we received a $100 discount. a nice deal because this is an expensive state pageant, as far as i can tell. but if you win the basic fee for nationals is paid by the director to go to St. Louis.

the pageant is March 16-18, 2012, this year. should be fun. Sheridan will be a preteen for state, ages 10-12 based on birthday as of Jan. 1, 2012, but she will be a Jr. teen for nationals, age 11-12, based on birthday jan 1, 2012