Friday, February 25, 2011

Libertyville Township meeting

Last night was our meeting. We covered various issues. Two bills were passed moving money frim one account to another. Stsandard budget adjustments.

We talked about rewriting our farm lease contracts to be more reflective of current land lease needs.

Our biggest issue was discussing tentative budgets for next year. Part of one of the budgets includes a trail relocation project originally estimated to cost 250k now costing about $430k. We have $230k coming in from forced land sale on milwaukee/21 expansion project, but still now we have to use that money for the trail relocation. We also found out our two bridges on that trail are not up to code and need to be redone, that is about $70k of the expense. Where past boards created the original trail now to be moved, they thought more frugally has ended up costing us more to fix. Hindsight is 20/20.

The tentative budget passed but terry, rick and even myself were hoping to find ways to bring the cost of the trail relocarion down.

I will not be at the two march meetings. One night daughter in play n second meeting I am out of town for a conference for my day job.

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Monday, February 14, 2011

Sheridan with trophies from sparkling beauty mardi gras pageant

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Sparkling beauties mardi gras pageant

Yesterday was sparkling beauties mardi gras pageant in elmhurst,il. It was great fun. There were about 30 contestants competing in beauty, mardi gras wear and optional talent.

These pageants are difficult because they are an everything goes pageant. There is glitz, natural and everything in between. You compete in your division for the queen title but everyone competes for mini supreme. Supreme and most beautiful. Talent and best photos in this system are optional. So for some titles like grand supreme you are competing with everyone, the cute little kids and the more practiced, polished older contestants.

Yesterday was no exception. Competition was tough. In sheridans division she was up against frances and tina, ages 13 abd 14 respectively. Sheridan is newly 12.

We had many friends there competing, little ones Mia n Orianna n Sydney. Stephen in boys division. Kassie and Megan Mae in the older division.

It was a fun day. Sheridan won tge best talent title, and most beautifal. They are highest talent score overall and highest beauty score overall. Not bad. Frabces won mini supreme 12 and up. Sydney win grand supreme.
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