Friday, June 18, 2010

Miss IL Coed pageant

Tonight was the first night of Miss IL Coed.

The power went out at about 5 - 6 or longer. That kind of threw things off. The talent competition was supposed to start at 7 but we ended up starting at 630.

There are a lot of girls competing this year.
In Sheridan's pre-teen division there are 15 girls. I would say there are 5 that will be real competitors for her!!

She was great at talent tonight. I think she either won or got 1st runner up, but I may be biased. There were two other singers besides Sheridan. One sang acapela and was pretty good. One sang a very difficult song that is sung by Alfaba in Wicked... hard for a professional adult. Her other main competition was the girl who did baton twirling. The music selected was great and she did pretty well but she did drop a baton once... not sure how much it hurt her score. She did get the audience clapping with the music.

tomorrow is a big day with Intro and Interview at 1130am; Actress at 1; Speech at 2; Modeling at 3 and formalwear at 530.

We are staying at the Hyatt Rosemont tomorrow night because we are sharing a room with Connie and Brittany L. That is great because then we can stay and it only costs $65 (1/2 price)

Crossing my fingers for Sheridan. Our realistic goal for the pageant is top 5 however I would love her to win of course.

Sunday is opening number rehearsal from 8-9am and then time to get ready for crowning and awards ceremony at 11. Come join us if you want.

Libertyville Township Ground Breaking Ceremony for Food pantry

This past Tuesday we did a ground breaking ceremony for the Libertyville Township Food pantry. Over the past two years we have budgeted about 450K to allow a new pantry to be built. We service about 250-270 families per month.

Currently we are working out of a dilapidated garage that is falling apart and not what I would say is sanitary or up to code. All the non perishable food has been moved into the conference room, in half of it, hidden by a collapsable wall...

We had the ground breaking ceremony with our builders, Pepper Construction and Architects.

It was a good feeling to know we are doing something worthwhile for people in need. This last building will be attached to the main township offic building and will complete the campus.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Pearls of Paradise Pageant, aka the Puppy pageant

Last weekend, Saturday, Sheridan competed in the Pearls of Paradise pageant. She was competing for the high point supreme, the highest crown where she could win $150 or a mini supreme where she wins $50 plus she was also competing for the pomeranian puppy. To win the pomeranian you had to have the highest beauty score.
She did not win it.

For the Supreme you needed the highest overall score of Beauty and 4 optionals. Sheridan competed in 5 of the 6 optionals, photo, comp card, talent, swimsuit, and outfit of choice.

She won. All girls get a crown and sash and a neat gift from the director. Sheridan also won the $150.

Libertyville Township Meeting

Today we had our Libertyville Township meeting. Supervisor O'Connor was there as well as all 4 trustees, including myself, our Clerk Anne Hansen and our Highway Commissioner Bill Morgan were all present as well as a few from office staff.

The meeting was at 7pm today and was very brief. We talked about the upcoming ground breaking for the new food pantry to occur 4pm Tuesday the 15th of June at our main location 359 Merrill Court, Libertyville, IL 60048. Join us for this momentous occasion.

On the 19th of June, a Saturday, at 10 am, is the Libertyville parade and the township will have a float. The them is Rock this town and we will have the Buckley Rd. Band on our float and celebrate Rockin with Libertyville Township Open Space.

This year I can't be there b/c we have a pageant to attend.
Last year we won the trophy for best float. Can we make it two years in a row?

There is a concern about heavy mosquitos this year and we are considering spraying in the unincorporated Libertyville Township areas, in the corporated areas the town sprays those areas.

Join us at our next board meeting on June 24th at 7pm.