Hi All,
On March 20, 2010 while I was out of town on a business trip, my good friends Sam and Allie took care of my daughter Sheridan and brought her to the Miss Chicago competiton held at Northeastern University.
There were a total of 6 preteens competing, one of which was Sheridan, three teens and 20-22 Miss contestants.
As I was waiting to board a plane i frantically tried to contact any friends that were there to see how interview had went. It was scheduled at 11am but ended up occuring at about 1 or 130. Sheridan wore the cutest outfit, a black sweater dress with a faux black and white collared shirt under it and a red belt and red pumps.
Sheridan interviewed with a panel of 5 judges and it went well. It went so well that one said during her interview what an inspiration she was and how impressed she was, did you see i said DURING the interview, wow.

Sheridan in interview outfit, after a good, positive interview.
I finally was able to connect via Facebook and Sam as well so she posted updates on FB. It seems the theater they were in was a deadzone for wireless so know one could text me.
Sam on FB invited a group of over 50 people to attend as a cheering section for Sheridan since I was not there to support her and I am as loud as 50, LOL.
We had a great group show up, 30 people or so including Sam and Allie, Cassidy and Janine, Jen, Sam and Aliya, Annika, Coleen and Brianna, Tricia, Julie and Meg, Kristen and Robin, Sheryl and Cassie, Zena and her fellow Galaxy queen, Sharon and Kalina, Jim, Alicia and Mia, and of course the outgoing preteen queen who is a friend Ashley. There may be more that I missed but it was a great turn out. Thank you all for being there when I could not be there.

Some of Sheridan's cheering section. thanks for coming.
Sheridan was amazing in talent so I heard and when she walked out in her blue gown really shown through. She had also modeled sportswear and after opening number answered her pop question. I believe it went well.

Sheridan Modeling for Sportswear
She ended up winning. My stomach was in knots, until I found out. I was so happy and excited for her. Now she will be under the director Cara and have a great year with I hope what will be many events.

Just crowned and the new queens