Hmmm did i spell clout correctly?
I like to believe that most people who run for office are doing so because they want to make positive changes in our government and to help people.
When I run I promote the fact that I am one of the people and I don't forget where I come from. I don't make a lot of money for being a politician or holding in office. And i am not a rich person to begin.
I am involved because I believe that one person can make a difference and I try to be that person. I also believe that many people just complain about what is going on around them but never take action.
I say stop complaining and run for an office where you want change or get involved with programs or governmental groups or the political party that you back and voice your opinions or support a person who does.
What does this all have to do with clout? I believe many politicians go into the business for the right reasons but are often corrupted by their power or contacts or by gaining such influences. There are definitely some positions where term limits should be instilled.
I feel that as a libertyville township trustee we do not wield (sp?) that kind of power. We are there to work with the supervisor, to positively represent our township and what we seek to accomplish.
What do you think?