Sunday, September 20, 2009

Bake Sale Success

Yesterday we spent the morning at Prairie Crossing in Grayslake at a farmer's market selling our baked goods to fundraise for American Coed Scholarhip pageant.

There was an art fair yesterday, SURPRISE. We had about 90 pieces of baked goods and I thought it would be too much, if just the farmer's market, but with the Art fair we had just barely enough. We sold all the palm sized chocolate chip cookies and M&M cookies, Samantha made them and they looked and smelled great. There were none leftover so we didnt get to taste them. Maybe next week.

We had Rice Krispy treats, blueberry and banana chocolate chip muffins and I brought water to sell too. We sold about 25 bottles of the 30 bottles brought.

Our sale was quite a success.

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