Tuesday, December 18, 2012

trying to get reelected

it is that time of year where I have to collect signatures to try to get on the ballot again for the April election. It is really a lot of work. For the Township Trustee position I need approximately 350-550 signatures. I am aiming for 400 or 27 pages of 15 signatures per page. This is not easy. I wonder as I am collecting signatures how the people running for positions representing larger territories do it. They obviously need volunteers to help gather them. I am gathering signatures mostly on my own. My sister did a page and I have two pageant mom friends gathering a page or two if possible. So far I have 23 pages today, not including what the two friends are gathering. I think some of my fellow township trustess are also helping gathering signatures too. The first time I did this 4 years ago I stood out at the library getting signatures and went to a game or two at Libertyville High School. This year I am being smarter. I am going to the Libertville Highschool sports, including Gymnastics, Wrestling, Girls and Boys basketball, choir and band concerts, also to the Hawthorne Middle school basketball games, and Rondout school holiday concert. It is much better gathering the signatures inside instead of out in the cold, wet, rain and snow. I also volunteer at a food pantry and got signatures there too and from a boyscout troup's parents at a church where my daughter was taking piano lessons at the time. Any big groups of people. This Friday I should be able to get my last few sheets. The documents are all due on the 26th of December, originally it was Christmas eve but that has changed, thankfully. If I get on the ballot I hope I will be re-elected. I love representing the community and watching how our money is being spent and helping control the spending too.

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